10 commandments in SEO for e-commerce


To have a site optimized for both search engines and users, you need to follow this set of rules strictly. Know some commandments!

What are the characteristics of a successful e-commerce website? SEO strategies for e-commerce are essential to make your posts stand out.

It's not just about posting content in large quantities, but about publishing quality information that can add value to the public's doubts. To do so, it is necessary to follow a set of rules, which we will call here “The 10 Commandments in SEO for e-commerce”. Does your page meet all these requirements?

1. Fast loading

Since 2010, Google has included the “page load” factor in its algorithm as one of the requirements for ranking sites in the search engine. This happened because at the time many developers were adding “tricks” to their pages, making the loading slower – which was terrible, especially for mobile

Thus, anyone who has an e-commerce site and wants to rank it well needs to be aware of technical issues on the page, such as the contracted server, the structure of the code behind the site and everything that may influence the loading speed of the page. page. 

2. Responsive design

Cell phones are now the main gateway to the internet for consumers. On some pages, it is common for the number of visits via mobile to easily exceed visits from PCs and notebooks. This means that your site needs to be very well adapted to both possibilities.

By responsive design we mean that a website needs to adapt to whatever screen resolution or device it is displayed on. In addition, sites built to be faster in their mobile versions are also prioritized by the search engine algorithm.

3. HTTPS Security

HTTPS-type encryption is essential for today's websites, especially those that deal with sensitive information, such as forms with consumer personal data and credit card numbers. Google takes this into account and prioritizes those who are aligned with this idea.

However, concern for security must be present on all pages. For this reason, all current safety regulations must be respected. In Google Chrome, used by 61% of people, when the site does not have these features, the user is informed – which is certainly not good for the credibility of your business.

4. User-friendly navigation

By user-friendly navigation, we mean that the user should need as few clicks as possible to complete a purchase. Also, it needs to be aware of the path it has taken, something that can be guided by breadcrumbs calls .

The idea is that the user knows exactly where he is on the site, knowing how to go back to the previous level and what he will find in the next level. Data from Ebit/Nielsen indicate that in 2019, 42.8% of online purchases were completed via cell phone. The fewer clicks to complete a transaction, the better.

5. Integration with social networks

We live in an era where people spend more time browsing social networks than websites themselves. Therefore, it is essential that your e-commerce platform integrates with the social networks most used, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

This is because when the consumer shares about a purchase on social networks, they often have greater power of influence over friends and family than the advertisements themselves. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers around the world say they completely trust a referral from a friend or family member. You're not going to give up this opportunity, are you?

6. Online assessment

Make your consumers participate, encouraging them to leave comments with the impressions they had about a product or service. This is one of the aspects that Google values ​​and the majority of consumers (68%, according to Nielsen) trust the opinion of others online.

Take advantage of your after-sales tools to strengthen ties with your customers, whether through email marketing or social media. Customers who keep coming back to your page, even if just to leave reviews, are more likely to continue shopping.

7. Unique Product Descriptions

Manufacturers send full product descriptions to stores. However, the problem is that when you put these texts on the air, the content of your page becomes identical to that of dozens of other sites. Also, maybe the text in question is good, but inappropriate to dialogue with your audience.

Therefore, the ideal is to look for unique texts for your websites, with descriptions that present the purchase benefits and differentials. Also, SEO techniques should not be left out. You can work in partnership with your digital marketing team to get more personalized and efficient content.

8. Titles, descriptions and CTAs

Sometimes, even beautiful sites relegate the Meta Title and Meta Description edition to the background , information present in the page code and that make it easier to be found by search engines. You need to make sure that these fields are filled in – and that they have useful text for search engines.

Also take the opportunity to invest in good CTAs (acronym for call to action ). Informing the reader about an exclusive benefit, in addition to providing the necessary information, you do not miss the opportunity to hook him for a possible purchase.

9. Blogging and link building

Although product pages, when optimized, are essential for good ranking, the existence of quality, unpublished and exclusive content is one of the great attractions to attract consumers. By doing this, search engines will understand that your page is relevant and other sites will be able to link to you.

Link building strategies allow internal links to take visitors to other pages on your website. According to Inside Archived Web, B2B-focused companies with blogs get 67% more leads than those without. Furthermore, as confirmed by Marketing Sherpa, content improvements can increase traffic by up to 2000%.

10. Rich snippets

Having an excerpt from one of your pages turned into a rich snippet can increase your click-through rate by up to 677% and drive 20% to 40% more traffic to your pages than content that doesn't have this feature. Therefore, investing in texts that can be transformed into direct responses in search engines is another strategy that cannot be left out.

This structured data saves time for the user who is looking for an answer and, in addition, increases the credibility of your page, both with the algorithm and with the search engine. It is an important step in terms of differentiating yourself from your competitors.

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