Father's Day Campaign: Check out 4 valuable tips to explore this date


Believe me: taking specific actions for commemorative dates is very important to bring your company closer to the public , as well as improve your business results, leverage sales and attract new customers. 

And of course, Father's Day is an opportunity that cannot pass without being celebrated by your brand. 

Check out our suggestions for actions you can put into practice on that date, as well as an overview of what to expect for this festivity. 

Market expectations for the Father's Day Campaign

It's no secret that over the last few years, online sales have taken a huge leap. And for the celebration of Father's Day this should not be different. 

To get an idea, according to data from Neotrust , only in sales via e-commerce , the date in 2021 surpassed in billing, average ticket value and orders compared to the same period in 2020.

Also, according to the Father's Day Purchase Intention survey, carried out by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL) and by the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil), in partnership with Offer Wise Pesquisas, it was found that:

  • 46% of respondents buy gifts in the first week of August and 11% on the eve of Father's Day.
  • The estimated value of the gifts is R$207.52.
  • The date should generate around R$22.35 billion in trade.

These data show us two important things: 

  • The Father's Day Campaign is extremely important for brands to increase their sales ;
  • If your company still doesn't sell through online channels, it's time to rethink your strategy and check the possibility of entering this world . After all, consumers are shopping more and more without leaving home.

Father's Day Campaign: 4 tips to put into practice

1. Remember that there are parents of different profiles

Before planning your Father's Day campaign , remember that there are countless profiles of fathers. So, drop the idea of ​​just focusing on more “traditional” parenting.

In addition, of course, know very well who your customers are and what your target audience is - bearing in mind that it is children who should be impacted by your campaigns. 

Having this knowledge of your customer base, as well as the profiles of parents that make sense for your brand, your campaign will be developed more assertively and will reach the audience you want .

2. Define the channels you will use to carry out your Father's Day campaign

For your campaign, will you use more traditional media (television, billboard, radio, pamphlets) or will you focus more on online media ( social networks , email, website, e-commerce, WhatsApp , app, etc.) ? 

Our tip is not to leave digital channels aside, complementing the campaign strategy with traditional media . 

Remember that special dates call for special approaches . So make your campaign very clear to people on the internet. Therefore, some suggestions that you can follow to put this tip into practice are: 

  • Publicize the action through all your communication channels, making sure that anyone who has any contact with your brand in the days leading up to Father's Day is aware of your special action for the date;
  • Make a special visual communication for Father's Day and use it in all your promotional materials;
  • Create exclusive and attractive promotions that make sense and include different parent profiles. 

3. Make life easier for your customers, already offering kits and selected products

Many people are in doubt about what to buy for Father's Day. To assist in this mission, your brand can already make some suggestions for kits and products for parents. 

Making this product selection, in addition to helping undecided customers, is also a way to encourage cross-selling, increase your average sales ticket and make the customer feel that they have purchased a more complete and valuable product for Valentine's Day. Country.

To do this, you just need to make a combination of items that make sense and show the customer that he is making an excellent choice when giving this gift on Father's Day.

4. Offer benefits and advantages for those who buy from your brand on Father's Day

How about leveraging your Father's Day campaign even further by offering exclusive benefits to customers who purchase products from your brand on this date? The benefits can be many, for example:

  • Discount coupons;
  • Free shipping;
  • Free subscription for a certain period and/or premium package - if you offer a subscription product, the customer can enjoy the service for a period of time free of charge;
  • Cashback - encouraging the customer to buy again in your store in the future;
  • Coupon to participate in a raffle;
  • Exclusive gift;
  • Product customization, among others.

Check which of these benefits make sense for your brand and your customers and put them into practice. Always remembering to disclose this advantage when making your materials for the campaign.

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